Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Best Day Ever!

Friday, Halle stayed home from school to rest from being out late at "Annie" on Thursday night. I wanted her to rest b/c Friday night she had a daddy/daughter dance at school. While we were on the way to the beauty shop to get her hair fixed on Friday afternoon, she began telling me that she wanted to be saved. She has been asking questions for a while now. I have told her that she will know when it is her time. She kept saying, "Mom, I know God is telling me it is time. My heart is hot." I called my mom and we met her at the park to talk. After talking for a while, Halle said she was ready to be saved. She prayed and asked God to save her! She is so excited. We met with a preacher from our church this morning, and he talked to her for a while. He said she was smart and knew what she was doing.

Friday night, Halle and her daddy got all dressed up and went to her school's daddy/daughter dance. They had a blast dancing the night away. They participated in dances such as: The Chicken Dance, The Twist, YMCA, and many more. I think they both had a pretty fabulous time!

When they got home she said, "This has been the best day ever. I was saved and got to go to the dance!"

We are so happy for her. She is on cloud nine!


Meredith said...

Oh Jill-I know you are one proud mommy! What a special day-the MOST special! I hope she can hang on to that excitement as she grows in her faith.

They look so sweet all dressed up! I would LOVE to have video of Brant doing those dances-ha!

Kari Wright said...

I couldn't hold back the tears while reading this post!! That is awesome that she got saved and I know you are so proud of her! I can't wait for Emma and her daddy to do father/daughter sweet! Congrats Jill...Halle is such a sweet little girl!! Of course, Miss Kennadi is special too! :)

Lindsey said...

Me too! Tears to my eyes! She is such a precious girl and I know that you must be just as excited as she is. That's so wonderful! You and Brant have done such a great job with her.

And, the Father/Daughter dance! So sweet! What a memorable day!

Anonymous said...

Now there's a testimony that will be a precious one for a life time!
How sweet for Halle to have special moments with both her earthly father AND her Heavenly Father all in one day. There's nothing better!
We're thrilled to hear the great news!
-Uncle Mike & Aunt Deby