Brant and Paul spent a lot of time fishing. This first pic is of Halle proudly holding one of Brant's catches. She was more proud of herself for holding the fish than she was of Brant catching it!
We had such a good time camping. We did so much that it is hard to blog about it all. We left on Friday afternoon.
Paul and Wanda's girls stayed with us in our camper the first night. All the girls were so excited to be having a "sleepover" in the camper. We thought we would never get them to go to sleep!
On Saturday, Brant and Paul did some more fishing while the girls all played around camp. We had a fish fry on Saturday night. My parents and some other friends came up for that. We all had a good time.
Kennadi enjoyed peeking out of the camper door through the little sliding window. The kids also loved to use this as an order window. Sometimes I felt as though I might be running a concession stand!
Unfortunately, Kennadi began to feel bad on Saturday afternoon. She started running a fever by Saturday night.This is a pic of Kennadi after taking her bath. She was tired and cold. So I wrapped her up in her towel. She looked like a little burrito!
Kennadi found the beach pretty fun, but she was not about to get sand in her shoes. She insisted that I put a towel down for her to stand on. She is not one that goes for dirt!
Paul and Brant let the girls take turns going out in the boat to fish. They loved doing this even though they did not catch anything. At least they were able to cast and reel!
While we were at the lake, I began noticing that Kennadi's temp was rising. She started to act like she was not feeling very well.
We took her back to camp and when I took her temp it was 104! I paniced to say the least. What camping trip would not be complete without a trip to the ER? Brant and I loaded her up and took her to the ER. They tested her for the flu and it came back positive. I could not believe that she had the flu!
After the ER visit we had a delima: go home or stay. I knew Kennadi needed to go home, but I knew it would absolutely break Halle's heart to have to pack up and go home early.
My parents called and did not want us to have to come home early, so they graciously offered to come down and pick Kennadi up. She had been asking to go home with them the night before when they were at the fish fry anyway, so they thought that would be the perfect plan. I was torn. I knew Kennadi would be fine with them, but I felt like a horrible mother letting her go. Talk about pain-it is so hard to feel torn between your 2 kids. But Kennadi helped me out. I said, "Kennadi, do you want mommy to go home with you, or do you want Nenaw to come and get you." Of course she wanted my mom to come. I said, "I feel bad leaving you when you are sick." To which she replied, "I'm not sick, I happy!"
So we met my parents and she happily climbed into the car. When they drove away I had tears streaming down my face. But I knew she would be fine-and she was. She jumped at the chance to go home with them and have their undivided attention.
With Kennadi happy and safe with my parents, we went on to camp for 2 more days.
On Sunday we went to see a house that was built back in the 1800's. It was a neat place. It even had a small playhouse out back. The girls really thought that was neat.
After lunch we took the girls to Paul's parents house. They have a pond and we wanted them to have a chance to catch some fish. And boy did they! We all got to catch a lot of fish. Halle caught 2 catfish.
The girls also met a new friend while camping. Her name is Savannah. She was staying with her grandparents who were camping right across from her. She was about their age and they all played really well together.