Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Time Out Times 2!

This afternoon Halle was put in time out for acting up at the store. I know it is hard to believe that my angel would ever be in time out :) - LOL

While she was sitting in time out Kennadi began to miss her and ask "Where's Halle?" When she found her she decided it must be cool to sit like that since Halle was. So she placed her self in time out too. She thought it was such a terrific time! She will probably become familiar with time out pretty soon too. She was quite the monkey at the store as well.

Yes, today I was one of those moms who could not control their wild children at the store. You know the ones I would have rolled my eyes about once upon a time....before I was a mom! I hope some of you moms can relate! One day I will think this is funny.


Ryan and Melissa said...

There must have been something in the air. I should have gone to the store on Tuesday afternoon; Cooper did not take a nap all day. Wednesday he actually napped so long that we missed the store. Yesterday, we finally made it, and my sweet angel was a handful. When I was telling a friend about delaying our trip, she commented that it is not fair to the rest of the world for me to take a grumpy kid to the store. I just wonder how her perspective will change when she has children ;).

Kari Wright said...

That is too funny!!! And YES,I CAN relate!

Brittany Schwaigert said...

LOL---I am sure they weren't that bad. It seems like the only place that Lynds and I ever acted up was the grocery store. And how sweet is Kennadi? Funny.
You should have seen me yesterday at Kroger with Greyson in his sling trying to have a bottle, juggling coupons and credit card. Some old lady offered to help me--I must have looked pretty bad.

Lindsey said...

This is adorable!