Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Santa, No Thank You!

We went to visit Santa last Saturday. We got the girls all dressed up. We arrived and Kennadi watched the other children getting their pictures taken. She was smiling and waving at Santa, from a distance. We have a 4 foot singing Santa at home that she loves. But, as you can tell from the photo, she doesn't like Santa to hold her. I wanted them to take the pic anyway because I thought it would be cute later in life. My mom has a photo of me at about the same age doing just about the same thing. Halle has always loved Santa, so this is a new experience for us. Oh well, there is always next year!


Kari Wright said...

Emma's picture was just like that last year! She saw it the other day and said "What's wrong with Emma?" LOL Did you go to USA Drug?? That's not the same Santa we saw. Hmmmm?

Brittany Schwaigert said...

LOL---I don't have even ONE picture of me or Lyndsay with Santa because we REFUSED.

Meredith said...

Funny! Graham was like that two years ago. You have to love those pics. I think it's funny that Halle's sitting there like she can't hear Kennadi. :)

Lindsey said...

Too cute! I also have one of my child screeming for her life, but I love it. Scary Santa pictures are so mean, but just so precious!