I can't believe it is already time for school to start! Where did the summer go? Halle was very anxious about starting 2nd grade. She is in a new building this year and was not able to meet her teacher until the first day of school.
There were a few tears shed, but she did have a great day. When I picked her up, she was all smiles!
Getting Halle up in the mornings is the most difficult of the day. She LOVES to sleep in. She is like her mommy in that way. She always tells me, "I'm up, I'm stretching." - even though I see no movement. It is so tough to get her going in the mornings.
She poses for a classic "porch" photo op before heading out to school.

I love this pic b/c it shows Kennadi looking up at Halle. She wants to be JUST LIKE her sister. She knows she is turning 3 soon and thinks she gets to go to Kindergarten when she is 3. Everyday since school has started school, Kennadi has insisted on carrying a lunchbox and backpack too.

This is the backpack we had her name put on. Mollie did a great job on it and Halle just loves it.

She ended up getting in the same class this year as two of her friends from her class last year. We were both relieved to find that she would have some familiar faces in her classroom.

I snapped a pic of Brady before I left the school on the first day too. I think he was excited to start a new school year too.