This year, Halle's grade planned a day at the Pumpkin Patch for their field trip. We were suppose to go the week before Halloween, but due to rain it was postponed.
We went 2 weeks ago to Garner Family Farms in Hot Springs. It turned out to be a gorgeous day, and the kids had a lot of fun.
When we arrived, the teachers all divided the kids up among the adult help that was there. I was in charge of Halle and 2 other little girls in the class. We pretty much got to go at our own pace and let the girls play where they wanted to .

We all gathered back together for a hayride and lunch.

This is a pic of the girls at the petting zoo.

They had a little playground area with tire swings. Halle had fun swinging on the tire swing. She was the only one who didn't need help getting on. I think it is her long legs!

At the end of the trip, they gave the parents little gold nuggets to go and throw in the creek. Then, the kids came and got to pan for gold. They had a blast doing this - even though they were soaked when they were through.