Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I can't believe another holiday season has come and gone. It has been a very busy, but great couple of months. I have really enjoyed the holidays this year with the girls. It was very exciting for Kennadi. She sand Christmas carols all day every day. I also loved having Christmas in our new house. We decorated the house with lights and had a Grisswold moment in the front yard the very first time we lit them up!

I am so thankful for my husband and girls. I am so thankful for my Saviour who came as a tiny baby to the world to save me. I feel very blessed to have had a wonderful holiday season. Now I will take a glance back at some of the highlights of the month.

Taking snap shots for our Christmas cards.

Kennadi struck a pose!

Halle's Christmas program at school.

Some of Halle's classmates.

"It's a Wonder-full Life"

Christmas program at church.

Halle's school Christmas party.

Christmas Eve:

Early present - snowglobes.

Halle and Brady reading the Christmas story.

Setting out goodies for Santa.

Christmas Morning:

Merry Christmas!!!!!

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