Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gettin' Down With Momma Goose

Tonight Halle had her 1st grade musical entitled "Gettin' Down with Momma Goose." All the kids dressed as different nursery rhyme characters. Halle was Little Bo Peep. I know I am partial, but she looked adorable!

Little Bo Peep and Little Miss Muffet
Little Bo Peep and a Queen.

This picture is hard to see, but Halle is playing a musical instrument. The children played the music for all of the songs except two. Pretty impressive!

This is 1/2 of the 1st grade class. The other 1/2 will perform on Thursday night.

Dad's Ordination Service

My dad was ordained as a deacon this past Sunday morning. Brant and I had already scheduled our trip when they set the date for the ordination service. We decided to come back a little early and surprise my dad for his ordination. It was a really neat service. I am so proud of my dad and the other 2 men that were ordained. They will do a great service for the Lord.

My dad is giving his testimony while my mom stands by for moral support.

The men were honored by giving a Bible.

This is the "laying on of the hands". It is a process where the other deacons and pastors come by individually and say a prayer over each man. It is a very touching process to watch.

Anniversary Trip

Brant and I left last Thursday for a much-needed getaway. We were celebrating our 10th Anniversary a little early. It is so hard to believe that we will have been married 10 years this Friday. I certainly do not feel old enough to have been married that long.

We took our camper to Mountain View. We stayed at a beautiful/quiet place near the White River. We love our little home away from home and we feel so fortunate that we have it. We bought it from my aunt and uncle who used it on the mission field. They are really special to me and that makes the camper even that more special. We have already created so many great memories in it. The girls absolutely love camping and were jealous that we were going without them this time.
This was the view we had from our camper. This is Sylamore Creek that runs directly into the White River just about 300 yards from this pic. I just loved the way the rocks looked up the mountain.

We visited Blanchard Springs Caverns on Friday. We took a 1 hour tour called the Dripstone Tour. We really enjoyed it - very interesting. I have been there before, but it was when I was young. We want to go back and take the girls.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Getting Stronger!

Brant and I recently started a diet program at our church. We have been working really hard. Along with the dieting has come a lot of exercising. We are enjoying becoming more healthy, but I think we are beginning to rub off on Kennadi. She will now get in the floor and exercise with us. It is so cute to watch!

These are her sit-ups.

This is her version of a push-up.

We are not sure what this exercise is - a butt lift maybe?

Swimming Lessons

Halle started swimming lessons this past week at the YMCA in Hot Springs. She has never taken formal lessons before. She knows how to "doggy paddle", but that is about it. So far she is really enjoying it. She is working so hard at it. She wants to learn so bad.

Track and Field Day

Today was Halle's Track and Field Day at school. We were lucky that the rain held off for it. Brant and I both went with her and she had a fabulous day. She was got lots of ribbons and was very proud of herself.

What field day would be complete without the sack race?

This was the softball throw. She did well at this event too.

The scooter race.

Halle in the "cone" race.

Break time! The girls sure were glad I brought this beach towel. Heaven forbid they get dirty!

The long jump. My baby took 2nd place in this event. She may be the shortest in her class, but her long legs come in handy.

This was called the kangaroo race. They had to hop holding teddy bears between their knees.