I do not think it is fair for it be so cold outside and yet we have no snow!!!!! What is up with that? Halle's school has been closed due to the icy weather. So the girls and I have been stuck in for the past 2 days. They have actually had a lot of fun, I think.
They are really in to going into their room, turning up the music and dancing around. They love that! We are already having to scream, "Turn the music down, it is too loud!" I thought we would have a few years left before we would be doing that!
I also got them involved helping with some of the chores around the house and they really loved that. Who knew 2 little girls could love to unload the dishwasher the way they do?
Since the weather cleared some after early morning today, we decided to pack a lunch and go see daddy at work. Halle was excited to help make the lunches. They both really love going to daddy's office.
All-in-all, it has been a good 2 days worth of "snow days" - even though we have yet to see any snow! I'm still holding out hope that February will bring us some.