We ended our teeball season last night. This was Halle's first year the play. They don't keep score in teeball, that is until you get to the tournament at the end of the season. So we have spent the last week keeping score at the games. I got a little intese at times. The kids do not get it. There are just looking like, "what is going on?", "Why is everyone so excited?"
Our team did great. We ended up in third place and our kids were thrilled to get a trophy!
Halle was so excited last night b/c her best friends in all of the world, Kristie and Mikayla, came to watch her play.
The last pics are of them playing on the playground after the game.
As for Halle's future in playing ball, I guess we'll see. Brant and I will support whatever she wants to do. She is kin to me in the fact that she is not super athletic. She likes the more girly things such as cheerleading and dance. But, I would love to see her play other sports if she wants to. If not, that would be great too. The other night my mother-in-law was telling her, "Okay Halle, now tonight you have to work hard and get some people out." To that she replied, "Oh, I'm not the outter getter!"