Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Morning

The girls were very excited on Christmas morning. They opened their gifts and were very happy. Then we told them there was a surprise for them in the playroom. They ran in their to find their new Rose Petal Cottage play house. They immediately began to play with it and then we told Halle there was one more surprise for her outside. She ran outside to discover her brand new pink 4-wheeler. She has been wanting a 4-wheeler for a long time. She did not really expect to get one for Christmas, so she was very excited!

They had a great Christmas morning. Kennadi was very excited. She would say "Oh my goodness!" after almost every gift. When Halle would open her gifts, she would say "Oh Halle!" She was very cute!

It was a special morning filled with memories.

Cookies For Santa

Class Christmas Party

Halle's 1st grade class Christmas party was the Thursday before Christmas. They had a lot of goodies, of course, followed by some games and a story. Halle had a great time, but is really ready for her Christmas break.

Monday, December 15, 2008

"Angels We Have Heard"

Last night I directed a Children's musical at our church entitled "Angels We Have Heard." Every year we do a musical. It is always lots of work, but incredibly rewarding. They do such a wonderful job - it is such a blessing. Those kids always lift me up. They always make me proud!

Gingerbread House

A friend of mine who is kind of a grandmother to my girls gave them an early Christmas present. It was a gingerbread house. We have never done one before. The girls were really excited. I let Halle do one side and Kennadi the other. I iced the candy for them and they placed them where they wanted to. It was a lot of fun. The girls loved getting to be creative with candy. They were very proud of themselves when they were done.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Our Emmi

Last year for Christmas we got the girls a puppy. She is a maltipoo named Emmi. She is a very sweet dog who is very attached to me. She is my shadow all day long. We love her and are very glad to have her as part of our family. I took a few pics of her to send to the people we got her from, so I thought I would post them on here too.

Monday, December 8, 2008

"Christmas - On The Air"

This weekend was our church's annual Christmas concert. This year we did a drama performance entitled "Christmas - On the Air." It took place in a radio station. I am directing our children's choir right now and they got to be in it as well. My little Halle had a solo in the performance. She did such a great job. Brant even participated in the drama. He was the station manager. He did a great job as well. We performed on Saturday and Sunday night. We had a great turnout for both performances. I'm sure we had at least 300 people who attended. God truly blessed us and we had 2 great performances.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Crafty Christmas

This year I decided to be a little crafty with Christmas gifts. I made these picture frames for teacher gifts. I got the idea for these from a craft show. They aren't as great as the ones they had, but I think they turned out cute. Kari and Mere-don't laugh!

I am also working on a table and chair set for my girls. This has been an extremely invovled project that is far from finished. I am 1/2 way through with the chairs. They still have to have some more paint and varnish. Each chair is also going to have their initial on it. I haven't started on the table yet, but I am currently working on the table legs. This set will not be perfect by any means, but I hope my girls will love it b/c they know it is something I put a lot of time and love into.

I love Christmas time and enjoy doing projects during December. It makes the holidays a little more special.

Friday, November 28, 2008

I Am Thankful For...

I thought I would take time out today to reflect on the things I am most thankful for during this Thanksgiving season. I have been so blessed in my life and it is good for the soul to take a look at all we have been given. It is so easy to focus on what we do not have - especially by the world's standards - that sometimes we forget to remember all the things we do have.

I am thankful for....
*my crew: Brant, Halle, and Kennadi. I love them all so very much and am so lucky to have them. They make me want to be a better person everyday.
*my family: my parents, my brother, my grandparents. I am thankful to still have my Grandma and Grandpa Prince and Mammaw Nancy living. I am grateful for the time I do get to spend with them.
*my salvation - I'm thankful that God found me worthy enough to die for me.
*my health
*my great friends who are always there for me. They make me laugh - sometimes til I cry.
*my home
*my church family - their love and kindness always makes me smile.
*my ability to be a full-time mom to my girls. It is truly the greatest accomplishment in life.
*my dogs - Raine, Rambo, and little Emmi. I love their loyalty and unconditional love.
*other moms-I am thankful for the advice and support other moms bring to me. It makes me feel normal at times we I think I'm not so normal.
*laughter-I am learning to not take myself so seriously and to laugh. This is a hard task for a type A personality such as myself. I try not to sweat the small stuff and learn to laugh when there is nothing else I can do.
*I am thankful that Anne Presley's killer was finally captured and hopefully will be brought to justice. I hope her family can find peace.

These are some of the things I am thankful for. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I encourage everyone to take a little time out this weekend to remember all the things you are thankful for.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fall Fun!

Today we spent the morning raking leaves and mulching them up. Our yard was full. The girls enjoyed jumping and playing in the leaves. It was lots of fun. It took me back to when I was a little girl. I loved to jump in the leaves. I also love the smell of burning leaves. I love Fall and am enjoying it very much this year. All the colors are so beautiful! If you are not already excited about Fall, I hope these pics will make you that way.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

All I Want For Christmas....

Halle is now officially a snaggle tooth! She lost her last front tooth this past Sunday. She let my mom pull it. I was just starting to get use to her with one tooth gone, now she looks even more different. It's cute though!

Build A Bear

This past Saturday we had big plans. I was taking Halle to see the play Junie B. Jones at the Children's Theatre. My mom was going to take Kennadi to Alltel to see Pooh on Stage. We dropped my mom and Kennadi off at Alltel to purchase tickets and go see the show. Halle and I headed over a few blocks to see Junie B. Jones. When we arrived at the play, we soon saw that the play had been sold out. So I took a crying Halle back to the car and called my mom to see if they were settled in at Alltel. Mom said, "All the doors are pad locked shut. I don't think they are having Pooh today." Apparently they did not sell enough for Pooh so they cancelled the show.

So there we were with all these BIG PLANS that fell flat! We ended up taking the girls to the mall where we saw Santa (yes, I said Santa -I could not believe he was already at the mall!). Then we headed to Build A Bear so the girls could make a bear. It turned out to be fun for them, but what a crazy day!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ouachita River Photos

Today my mom wanted to take all 4 grandkids down to the river and take pics. I decided to take my camera along to snap some too. Here are a few pics that I took while there. All the kids are growing up so fast! It is heartbreaking. It is fun, but sad at the same time.

We could not get Brady to smile in any pics. He is at the "big guy" age. He thought it was much cooler to look solemn. We teased him about his girlfriend to try to get him to smile!

Bye Lola!

Our last puppy went home with her new owners yesterday. We have been keeping her for them for a few weeks, so we have kinda' gotten attached to her. She is going to a guy named Charlie, so we nicknamed her Lola while she was with us. We thought that was fitting!

I wanted to take a few pics of her before she left so we could remember her. We know she is getting a great home and will make her new owners very happy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Wright's 5th Annual Fall Bash

We attended the Wright's Fall Bash this past weekend. The kids had lots of fun. They played games, ate hot dogs, and rode a hay ride. It was fun to spend time with friends. We were attneding the Fall Bash when the earthquake happened around our house, so we missed the action of that.

Thanks to the Wright family for inviting us to attend their party. We are thankful for good friends.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trunk or Treat!

We took the girls to our church last night for Trunk or Treat and the Fall Festival. They had a great time. This was the first year that Kennadi actually knew what we going on. She loved the idea of getting candy at every car. She also loved the games and hay ride.

Halle had a great time with all of her friends and she especially loved helping Nenaw and Pappy hand out candy at their trunk.

It was a great night with great weather and we all had a wonderful time. I was sad to see it end b/c I knew next Halloween my girls would be even older! I am not handling them aging all that well. I love that they are growing and becoming smart little girls, but it breaks my heart at the same time. I am trying to SLOW DOWN and enjoying these moments as they come instead of rushing through them.